Welcome to

PMI Denmark

Project Management Institute Denmark (PMIDK), is a nonprofit chapter, who reports to the global Project Management Institute (PMI®). The chapter held its founding general assembly back in December 1999, and was confirmed as a new chapter, by PMI in January 2000. PMIDK consists of +400 members (2023). With a growth rate of +20% in the last years.

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Membership Statistics

PMP Members


This Year New Members


PMI-ACP Members


CAPM Members


Total Members


Members with No Certification


PMI-RMP Members




PMI-SP Members


PfMP Members


PMI-PBA Members


PgMP Members


Get Involved

Find a Volunteer Opportunity

Make your mark on our PMI Chapter and the profession. As a member, you can volunteer to work on and to lead activities that advance the profession and support the chapter business operations by joining our chapter volunteer community. All volunteer openings are managed by the PMI Volunteer Relationship Management System (VRMS). This system includes the ability to search for opportunities, view details about each role and apply online.

See open roles on the VRMS

We are looking for


Being a partner with PMI Denmark chapter allows your company and brand to be visible and connected with project management activities in Denmark. You can also choose to host or co-arrange project management events together with PMI Denmark, and thereby both contribute actively to the project management community, as well as be seen by a large group of people whose main focus is project, program and portfolio management.

If you wish to work with the PMI Denmark chapter and be exposed to a large group of people interested in project management in Denmark, feel free to contact us here. We have different collaborative models and will surely find a level that fits your interests.

Speakers for our Chapter's Events

Our PMI Chapter welcomes proposals from passionate speakers interested in sharing their experiences, knowledge and expertise on such topics as general business and strategy, leadership, project management, and technical or industry-specific specialties. Our Professional Development events provide professional development units (PDUs) of educational information necessary for those attendees maintaining certification designations. Speakers are also eligible to claim PDUs for their creation and delivery of the presentation material.

Our Sponsors

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